Why High School Should Start Later

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Pages: 2

School Needs Start Later Imagine waking up to an alarm clock, at six in the morning. Getting up is arguably the most difficult task to do in the morning. Equally as difficult, is trying to sleep before 11 PM. Imagine doing this, for 180 days in a year. WIthin the school year, a lack of sleep may also decrease grades. Middle School and High school need later start times. To add on, waking up is also difficult and may also affect school performance. Toronto University psychologist Professor David Brown says, “Adolescents, who are usually evening types, perform very poorly in the morning, which is the time of day that they are usually assessed for examinations.” With a lack of sleep, students may not perform to their highest abilities. Dr. Martin Ralph, of Toronto University performed a test on rats that changed their cycle of sleeping and wakefulness. He says, “Their cardiovascular system was destroyed, they suffered kidney disease and they died much earlier.” Supporting this, chronic sleep loss can put one at risk for heart disease, heart attack, heart failure, diabetes and more, according to National Sleep Foundation. All in all, A lack of sleep can put you in situations that are not beneficial to your health. …show more content…
Additionally, evidence is emerging that teenagers are biologically incapable of going to bed at a sensible time, according to New Scientist Magazine. Again, teenagers who get a lack of sleep will not perform as well as those who get the recommended amount of