Why Is Abortion Wrong

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Pages: 5

Abortion- Is abortion right or wrong ?

Abortion is wrong because it is basically murder and you are killing a child, And it's necessary for some people I understand that but it is still wrong .The immediate explanation that women often give for seeking help for getting pregnant is an abortion because they may not be able to handle a baby at the time.2 out of 3 women think about abortion when they find out they’re pregnant and of those 3 women one of them will have an abortion.
There are two types of abortion. Clinic abortion and an abortion pill.
Abortion are very common 2 out of 10 women in the U.S alone have an abortion by the time they are 45. If you are under 18 you need permission from a parent to have an abortion.

There are two kinds
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“Our data add to the evidence that induced abortion might cause potential long-term health consequences,” they wrote in their paper, citing studies linking abortion to increased rates of breast cancer in women.
The data confirms findings from an earlier record-based study of approximately 173,000 California women, which found that women with a history of abortion were almost twice as likely to die in the following years compared to women who carried to term, and that the higher mortality rate of aborting women persisted over at least eight years.
Over the eight year period studied, women who aborted had a 446 percent higher risk of death from cerebrovascular disease. The overall death rate from natural causes was 44 percent higher for women who aborted.
Elliot Institute director Dr. David Reardon, the lead author of the California study, said that while higher rates of death from suicides and accidents were most pronounced during the first four years after abortion, deaths from natural causes increased during the later years of the period