Whether it is true or not, the use of rhino horn for medicinal purposes is a shared belief that people are willing to pay thousands of dollars for. CNT believes that in order to disrupt its believed medical properties we must “inject horns with an insecticide that would sicken humans who ingest it or with a pink dye that shows up in X-ray” (CNT 49). This solution may work with and without the legalization of trade of rhino horn. CNT states that whether legalization occurs or not, this insecticide will “deter people from consuming horn and help officials find illegal horn” (CNT 49). Although these steps seem legitimate in their purposes, if all else fails the last solution would be removal of the animals wanted assets. This action would take millions of dollars to operate, considering the rhino horn can grow back in about 5 years. This step would completely deter the poachers of the rhino species, but, in turn, change the way the rhino is looked at by the