Why My Family Came To America

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Pages: 6

My family came to the US for better jobs and learning opportunities because my mom wanted to offer me a better economic life. In my educational experience, the segregation of the immigrants who were not able to speak English and people who were born here and already had an advanced level made me and some other people feel like outcasts.This embarrassment was harmful to the learning process, impairing my process of learning. Studies show that many other immigrant students share the same experiences. Schools in the United States need to have broader programs to meet the socioeconomic and academic needs of their immigrant students. Many other families, like mine, believe that the United States of America is among the most prosperous countries in the world. This is why immigrant families come to America to achieve economic stability. With this …show more content…
In addition to the strategies already mentioned, there are other significant aspects to consider when addressing challenges that immigrant children have while learning English while being integrated into the academic system of the United States. The school I was in made it difficult for students to learn outside academic hours. If anyone required help they would have to look outside the school.

Trauma-informed practices: Many of the immigrant children who come to the United States have sadly experienced things like separation from family and adversity in their home countries. Implementing some sort of therapy system in schools could create a supportive place to address the psychological needs of these students. To support the benefit of trauma informed practices I can say that with experience, kids brought to the US might be dealing with some mental stress that they are not expressing, therefore they cannot integrate new