Undocumented children come to America for many reasons. The first reason in why they should stay and why they came to America is for a safer life. According to Kirk Semple, families fear for gangs in their home countries (Semple 2016). This shows that families leave their home countries because they are scared of the violence there and they just want to keep their families safe. According to Alberto, he says “what can I say? This is a horrible reality that our country is living now.” This quote shows that families bring their children to America for a safer life. Well that being said undocumented children should stay in America. …show more content…
According to Flakus Greg, migrants cross the border but the México border is rocky, dry and mostly a desolate area (Flakus 2016). Therefore immigrants risk their lives when coming to america by facing a hot desert. According to Diana Hoelter of human borders “a lot of times they do not have the appropriate foot gear they should have, then they get blisters and so on. It is very bad But the main thing would be the dehydration” (Hoelter 2016). This quote shows that not many immigrants get to cross the border to get to America, most of them die from being dehydrated or get injured along the way, but not many makes it to