Why School Should Start Later

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Pages: 5

Since students do not sleep early, many people suggest that the answer to this problem is for kids to just go to bed earlier. However, this is not an easy process as a solution for biology has other plans. According to Dr. Marcel Deray, a Florida sleep specialist, it is a struggle for teenagers to fall asleep earlier than 11 pm around puberty because ““Teenagers’ bodies release melatonin later than adults’ do,” referring to a hormone the brain secrets in the evening to induce drowsiness,” (qtd. in Norton). Because of this, National Sleep Foundation mentioned a resolution that was introduced to encourage school district and its schools to reconsider early morning start times to be in accordance with teens’ biological cycle (“School Start Time”). …show more content…
However, they cannot fully pursue and join the movement for their students’ benefits because some people, parents, and even a few students, and school staff opposed to changing the start times because of schedule conflictions. Parents argue that their work time will conflict the child’s school time. Parents won’t be able to drop their kids off at school if their school starts later than 8:30 am, since they need to be at work by that time. Also, some school staff and students who refute to this matter argued that they have other things to do after school such as: jobs, and other extracurricular activities, for all of these matter to them because they want colleges to accept them. People got used to having early-start, early-finish school times, which is why, it is a hassle for some to adjust into a newer lifestyle (Cheshire). Nonetheless, if we think about it, isn’t education and one’s wellness far more important than all these additional …show more content…
After doing some research concerning this topic, I supposed it’s about time to remind and reevaluate our society regarding our priorities. The main solution here is to have schools start their school times 8:30 am or later, but not all schools can implement this change because of lifestyle they have in that particular area. I wrote this letter to you, Governor Edmund Brown, Jr., together with your government cabinets, to hear our concerns out. I genuinely believe that you have the power to unravel the schedule conflicts between school, work, and other secondary activities. This is the major issue why school administrators cannot fully execute the new change in their school times. All I ask is for you to effectuate the importance of education as a priority because this is where we envision our future. People need to have education and experience first, before becoming successful in life. I certainly hope that you give this concern a chance to evaluate the reasons behind every aspect of this matter, and come up with a brilliant idea that will make everyone in society, especially the companies that have workers who are mostly parents, working students, and anyone who may be affected with the school’s time change, have a fair chance in getting the success they all strive