Why Schools Should Start Later Research Paper

Words: 575
Pages: 3

You're shaken awake by an angry parent at 7:00. They drag you out of bed, force you to eat, get dressed, and get in the car. You drive through the dark towards your school. As you head towards school, ask yourself, “why can’t school start later?” Many teens across America experience this problem. So, does this mean schools should change their start times? While some say that starting school later improves student wellbeing, others believe that starting later would have a different effect on the student body. Although people claim schools should not change their start times, ultimately schools should start later because students are more energized and it improves their test scores. Schools starting later can have many advantages. First, schools …show more content…
This demonstrates that later start times can benefit students. Another source (AASM) claims that students with sleep disorders “...are more likely to receive bad grades.” Sleep disorders can be caused by sleep deprivation. With the few extra hours of sleep teens will be getting, they can get 8 to 10 hours of sleep and excel in class. Overall, both reasons give Takeno a better understanding of why schools starting later would be beneficial for students around the world. However, some sources say otherwise. People see this new opportunity as more of an inconvenience than a benefit. One potential downside that people might believe is that schools run longer into the day, giving students less time after school to complete their homework. Although this might be convincing, there is still time available for studying. The AASM said that anyone who needs help falling asleep can “... do something relaxing until you feel sleepy.” Making before bed a great time to study. Read out of your textbook or study your notes. Starting later still gives you time to study, and with the extra time before sleep, you can stay up a bit later and use it to