I learned a lot about introvert teachers burning out and found it extremely interesting because I am an introvert. The biggest take away from the article on introvert teachers was that burn out is cause by over socialization and a lack of time to center themselves, reflect, and just have time to process. After reading these articles I had more worries than assurances about getting burned out while teaching, so I went back through to try and find solutions into avoiding getting burned out, and what both articles overlapped with was to reduce stress and to find an environment that sees your personality trait as a benefit and a strength. Methods to reduce strength was to exercise, have a hobby in order to break up the teacher lifestyle, as well as learn to let things go. These seem like fairly reasonable and easy ways to avoid stress. In the article that tells about how to get out of a burn out it recommended possibly getting another degree just in case teaching is something that was decidedly a career that is not for