Everyone should be supporting the Love Has No Labels movement because patriotism is about loving your country, then to love America is to love all Americans (Creativity-Online). You shouldn’t be allowed to just pick and choose who you love or who you are willing to be nice too. That’s not how it works, that’s wrong. Everyone deserves the same respect no matter what race, religion, or sexual orientation. Everyone is human, all humans have emotion. Words and actions can seriously hurt others. …show more content…
We are a people that too often fall back on old stereotypes, that too eagerly cling to the safety of what's known, and that too quickly forget that diversity and inclusion are strengths. That can lead to devastating, and sometimes even deadly, consequences (The Huffington). Some people are stereotyped just because of something they like, or even the way they dress. By spreading positivity instead of hate we could help a lot of people that feel unsafe, depressed and people that even commit or think about committing suicide. The Love Has No Labels is a positive way to connect with other people and even make friends or