Work Opportunity Reconciliation Act Case Study

Words: 1673
Pages: 7

On June 26th 1996 as mentioned above then Congressman John Kasich of Ohio introduced the Personal Responsibility and Work Opportunity Reconciliation Act of 1996 (PRWORA) before Congress. The legislation on the same day was sent to the House Budget Committee that at the time Representative John Kasich chaired. The Welfare reform bill was sent to The House Budget Committee in order to lower federal spending and to balance the federal budget, a goal that the Republicans under Newt Gingrich’s “Contract with America” had agreed upon to fulfill with the American people. The Budget Committee’s report language emphasized mostly on food stamps, child care, alien eligibility for welfare and Medicaid. With concern over food stamps, states are permitted …show more content…
John Kasich during the Conference Committee Chairman Kaisch praised the legislations success of passage. Between the House and Senate entitlements were eliminated belief that people were entitled to opportunity. Children are now protected by daycare being expanded. No longer have to question whether their children are going to be secure once job training and education begins. Training requirement skills to accomplish the type of job training necessary to them time limits – a portion of the welfare force however is exempt from the reform requirements of this bill. Able bodied individuals once gotten through their training will be required to find work. Children will now understand the importance of working. John Kasich spoke with Charlie Rangle to significantly improve our economy. The reform bill was meant to startup employment and lowers the deficit. Shifting more power to the local parts of the United States and fulfilling their strong beleifs in enterprise and free markets in order for more people to get off welfare. We want to put more people to work to compassionately help …show more content…
Concerns still remain on the legislations effect of children, state and local governments, particularly because now there will be a shift of spending responsibilities on the states and local governments, health care will result in higher property taxes because of this shift. Intent of the majorities’ continuation of the bill is asked upon for future. John Kasich stated that “We as the majority for the third time is trying to pass a welfare bill”. Kasich states that representatives and senators from both aisles will meet with each other to discuss further plans to add on or improve the legislation in the future. Consultation will continue with the Democratic party will continue in order to garner support from them. Senator Pete Domenici – there is no possible way to add new material in either bill in order to fulfill the Democrats goal or idea of what welfare reform should look like. Bound to what is in both bills. We want to come out with a bipartisan bill. Kohn Kasich majority will move along with the legislation in order to pass a bill but consultations with the democrats are not out of the realm of