Workplace Bullying Research Paper

Words: 544
Pages: 3

Workplace bullies are verbal, physical, social, or psychological abuse by someone at work. The characteristics of employees who might be bullies include, people that direct frustrations, anger, hurt, and difficulty they are going through towards others. These workplace bullies may also bully others to have power over others. The individuals that bullies target are people that are vulnerable, new to the workplace, and usually non-confrontational. Bullies target these individuals because they know they will not retaliate, confront, or report their behavior. Work place bullies do this to try to conceal their own insecurities and try to seem like they are in control. The effects of workplace bullying in the workplace make people not want to go to work and may cause anxiety. Bullying will also affect work performance because of the hostile work environment. Employees will have lower self-esteem, reduced production, and not being able to concentrate at work. Bullied employees will lose motivation at work because they are too worried about how to avoid the bully. This causes employees to have high stress levels, anxiety, and less commitment to the company. This may also make employees call in sick a lot more to avoid the bully. Workplace bullying has a negative impact …show more content…
The positive effect is when it happens, and it is reported people become aware of the problem to know that it is unacceptable. So many people keep quiet to avoid conflict, are ashamed, and feel pressured to stay quiet. If others speak up, make a claim, and confront the workplace bully it will give others the motivation to resolve the conflict directly, inform a supervisor, file a formal complaint with the Human Resource Department or seek assistance from an outside source. If workplace bullies do not speak up, unresolved conflict will occur. The results of unresolved conflict include any kind of harassing or harmful