Workplace Harassment Policy Essay

Submitted By lmccdc
Words: 488
Pages: 2

Workplace Harassment Policy
1. Policy Statement
The Valley Road Cooperation (VRC) supports a healthy and safe work environment. Our philosophy focuses on a preventative approach to workplace harassment, discrimination and bullying. Discrimination against race, sex, marital status, disability, cultural and religious beliefs is not condoned. In the event that this occurs we take action quickly to avoid escalation of the conflict. (Anti-discrimination Act 1998)
All employees will be provided with education about workplace harassment discrimination and bullying. Staffs are supported with the tools to help with conflict resolution in the workplace. Employees must not knowingly engage in conflict or bullying behaviour towards co-worker’s clients/patients and/or family and friends during the course of their employment in the establishment. Employees must act in accordance with:
The establishments Code of Conduct
Anti-Discrimination Act 1998
Privacy Act 1988
Sex Discrimination Act 1984
Human Rights and Equal Opportunity Act 1986
Racial Discrimination Act 1975
Disability Discrimination Act 1992

2. Purpose
The purpose of this policy is to ensure that all employees are aware of:
What constitutes a breach
Their responsibilities in relation to preventative approach.

3. Application
The application of this policy applies to all employees of Valley Road Cooperation, any persons contracted to work under the directions of VRC.

4. Preventative approach includes:
Induction process including information pack relating to workplace bullying and harassment
Administrative processes supportive of early identification and reporting of bullying and harassment
Workshops to upskill employees in managing conflict resolution and communicating in difficult circumstances
Annual workshops relating to bullying and harassment,
Reporting and feedback mechanisms
Access to external counselling and support services funded by the employer

5. Managing an incident
1. Identify conflict
2. Assess Conflict
3. Decide on control measures
Administrative controls

Employees are encouraged to speak directly to the person.
Contact the line manager if the issue is unresolved
Line manager will conduct an private and confidential investigation