Wounded Warrior Case Study

Words: 788
Pages: 4

Who does the Wounded Warriors Project
The Wounded Warriors Project (WWP) is a an organization that provides help and support to veterans that were injured either physically or mentally while enlisted in the armed forces

This program was introduced to veterans post
September 11, 2001

How Does the Wounded Warrior Project Serve it's Veterans?
They serve by providing free:
Mental health and wellness
Physical health and wellness
Career and benefits counseling
Support for the most severely injured What is The Combat Stress Recovery
The Combat Stress Recovery Program (CSRP) addresses the mental health needs of warriors returning home from war. Teammates provide ongoing assistance to help set and achieve goals and gain
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Post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) is a diagnosed condition that can develop after a person is exposed to a traumatic event.
Symptoms can include disturbing thoughts, feelings, or dreams related to the events, mental or physical distress, difficulty sleeping, and changes in how a person thinks and feels.

What is TBI? Traumatic brain injury (TBI) is an injury to the brain caused by an external force. The symptoms of the injury can vary. Mild or moderate TBI symptoms can include mood changes, trouble with concentration, headaches, difficulty with sleep, and reduced motor coordination. Severe TBI can cause greatly reduced or lack of motor control, greatly reduced ability or inability to speak, and restlessness or agitation.

Data and Statistics compiled for the WWP

What is Project Odyssey? Project Odyssey is a multi-day, adventure-based event that provides you with new tools to help with combat stress, PTSD, and other issues from war. The experiences gained during Project Odyssey not only improve your mental and emotional health, but also help you recharge and rediscover yourself.
