The stories of these cases and of the individuals affected, like Captain Alfred Dreyfuss, the Scottsboro boys, those individuals who have been vindicated and exonerated by the Innocent Project, provide important reminders of the human cost of the illegal convictions and the importance of there being a need for a fair and impartial legal system. By eliminating the sources of the unjust punishment from these famous cases, and attacking the source from within, society can ensure that justice is undeniably served for all. Socio-Legal Implications of Wrongful Convictions Wrongful convictions affect more than just the guilty. They also affect those closest to the convicts. This could be friends, family, or other relatives. It is difficult to measure the extent of the effects of wrongful convictions. The emotional impact of losing part of an accused’s life, the psychological effects of prison life, and the stigmatization of incarcerated individuals go well beyond prison walls (Gross & O’Brien,