Legal Causes Of Wrongful Conviction

Words: 467
Pages: 2

Wrongful Convictions are known to be impossible to determine the actual number of individuals being wrongfully convicted and its due to the lack of cases being documented. We will never know the exact amount of defendants that lost their lives or served time due to miscarriage of justice. The first documented wrongful conviction occurred in 1812 in Manchester, Vermont when two brothers (Jesse and Stephen Boorn) were accused of killing their brother in law Russell Colvin. This issue become more known with the research of Professor Edward Borchard from Yale University, who published a book “Convicting the Innocent” in 1932. This book documented a total of 65 cases that were involved with the legal causes of miscarriage, and it offered ways to reform. There has been numerous of wrongful convictions since 1989 to 2015 in the state of Texas. This issue has been known to be a systematic problem with the judicial process. …show more content…
These convictions were known to be declared innocent till the year of 2016. By 2011 there were over three exonerations per week which was known to have doubled. This number has drastically increased since 1989. This issue has been known to be a systematic problem with the judicial process. In 2014 there were 139 people exonerated the number was known to have raised constantly since the year of 2005. In 2015 there were about 40 percent of the cases that involved a wrongfully conviction caused by official misconducts. The men and women serve about 15 years till they are cleared and sadly some are on death row, this shows the lack of representation that does not necessary help. The increase of numbers show a problem in the system and how we are facing many false