Fear of not knowing who had been watching her, who had been following her, and who in their right mind would believe she would ever leave her husband and children to run away with them. She did a quick 360, performing a visual search to see if anyone was watching her. There was no one in sight that she could detect, yet she was afraid to get into her car. There was something sinister going on here, and she wasn’t sure what to do next. She stood there racking her brain, trying to think of anyone who would do something like this. No one came to mind and she couldn’t rule out the fact that this might not be a joke. How could she live a normal life having to constantly be looking over her …show more content…
Without hesitation, the postmaster phoned the authorities who quickly arrived and took control of the situation. During the questioning process, she recalled a guy she had worked with who used to leave notes on her office door. The contents of which were usually about other men in the shop, and rather childish in substance. This guy had actually called her at home a couple of times after he had no longer worked there. All the notes he had left on her office door had been put in his personnel file at her previous employer. This being the guy was a long shot, since all this had happened such a long time ago. However, in hopes of ruling him out, she agreed to get a copy of one of the notes from his personnel file so the officers could compare the handwriting. The uncertainty of not knowing the author of the letter was disturbing. She couldn’t have a stalker. That was the kind of thing that happened to other people, not her. Roxy could not imagine living her life in fear of a