This is the format for the case study and is provided for your information so that you can make a determination if you would like to submit an abstract. At this stage we are only asking for a short abstract. If your abstract is accepted, we will ask you use to use this format to submit your case study.
Please provide a summary of your project to be considered for publication in the ASCE MOP on Condition Assessment of Sewer Lines. Limit the total pages (single space) with photos, maps, drawings, tables and other illustrations to five pages. Please refrain from using photos which may have logos or imply indirect advertisement. The Manual will most likely be published in Black & White, so be careful with use of color.
Below is what we suggest you provide in your write-up:
Provide a brief overview of the project. This includes pipe size, pipe length, pipe material, pipe age, pipe use (water, wastewater, etc), and location.
Provide need justification. Why was the project needed?
Provide technologies used, and the protocol followed for inspection. For example, how many access points were used? What was the spacing of access points? What was the size opening) of access point? Was bypass pumping needed? Was there anything particular about the timing (dry versus wet, winter versus summer)?
Provide any environmental, traffic, and/or community impact during inspection and how these were mitigated.
Provide a