Academy m:
Service Week Grade 11
"No man is an island, entire of itself; every man is a piece of the continent, a part of the main..."
-John Donne
Welcome to Service Week! During the four days be prepared to complete tasks that may be unfamiliar, learn to push yourself and go outside your comfort zone, have fun working in small teams, and interact with members of the broader community. This is the chance for you to learn more about local organizations and build meaningful partnerships. Please remember that in addition to representing yourselves, you are also ambassadors of Southpointe Academy, so your actions influence how others view our school community.
On behalf of the Logistics Team, we hope you will have a wonderful time and are inspired to extend this week into future projects. !
-Ms. Cunningham
Daily Routine & Transportation
Meet at Southpointe by 8:15am daily. Teachers will take attendance in the lobby and students will be taking the school bus to their locations. Please look for the teacher you are matched with for the event planned. The one exception to this is Tuesday morning where students need to be at school by 8:30am and will meet in the theatre to listen to the keynote.
Students will also be picked up from each location and dropped off at school by 3pm, unless otherwise informed.
What to Bring & Wear
In general, clothing is casual but should remain school appropriate as students are representing our school in the wider community. Please refrain from clothing with large or inappropriate logos, and be mindful of the school Code of Conduct.
Stephanie Cunningham| Teacher Sponsor
Academy m:
Besides clothing, it is recommended for students to bring water bottles, cold bag lunches and snacks, their cell phones, and anything else they feel will be useful for the activities listed. On Friday, Oct. 18th there will be a BBQ with plenty of food and beverages, so a snack is likely all that is required.
Specific clothing recommendations are listed below:
Burns Bog, Boardwalk, Stables, OWL, Ivy Pulling, & Fall Planting: Wear clothing that can get dirty and damp. Boots are a good idea, in addition to your regular shoes. These are largely outdoor activities, so please plan accordingly and dress in layers.
Gymnastics: Long hair should be tied back. Athletic clothing is suggested. You will be asked to remove shoes and either go barefoot or wear socks.
First Nations Kids, Me to We, Fundraiser, Vancouver Eastside, DYSL, TAC: Wear indoor clothing that is casual, but still representative of the school.
Schedule Details
Each student’s interests were considered while making this schedule and we hope that everyone finds an organization where they connect with the issues discussed and events planned. Please find your name and group in the schedule below and contact Ms. Cunningham if you have any questions. Students who follow a slightly different schedule than their group will be noted.
Tuesday (15th)
Everyone in Gym: Last
Maasai Warriors Keynote
9am - 10am
Wednesday (16th)
Thursday (17th)
Friday (18th)
Daily Schedule: be at school by 8:15am for buses (will be dropped off at locations & picked up.
Tuesday keynote is at 9am, so buses will pick up at 10:15. BBQ on Friday starts around 2pm, so buses will pick up around 1:30pm.
Stephanie Cunningham| Teacher Sponsor
Academy m: Groups
Tuesday (15th)
Wednesday (16th)
Group #1
Tsawwassen First Nations
Crescent Stables
Teacher: Mrs. Clark
Chidren’s Centre,
Smuyuq’wa’ leleum
Will work at a local horse stable in Ladner. FYI: Mrs.
McMartin rides here!
8 students: Nicola,