Alexander Hamilton Research Paper

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Pages: 5

You might ask who is Alexander Hamilton? Why was his life's work an important contribution to America? Alexander Hamilton was a delegate of the Constitutional Convention an author of the Federalist Papers, and The United States’ first Secretary of Treasury. Alexander Hamilton was born in the British West Indies in the year many people believe was 1757 it's controversial as to whether or not he truly was born in that year but plenty evidence shows that it most likely was he was born in 1757. Hamilton parents were Rachel Lavien and James Hamilton who was a Scottish Trader. When Hamilton was born his mother Rachel was married to John Lavien who was an older Merchant who she was forced to marry whilst she was a teenager. Together Rachel and John …show more content…
Kitts where she met James Hamilton who she eventually had a son. During their relationship James James and Rachel had two children James Hamilton, and Alexander Hamilton. James abandoned his family leaving behind his sons and Rachel. At a young age Hamilton and his brother began to work to make money for the family sadly a heavy blow hit them when Rachel became ill and died in 1768. In 1773 Alexander Hamilton went to New York to enroll in King's college (Which is now known as Columbia University) despite his love for learning our country was coming to a revolution. Hamilton was more interested in Political involvement than Academics. In 1774 he wrote his first article defending the Patriots cause agints British loyalist. In 1777 after years of fighting he was promoted to lieutenant colonel of the Continental Army. In his early service in the war for Independence General oWashington's attention was caught by Hamilton, Washington made Hamilton his trusted advisor. He put his skill with a pen to work and wrote Washington's critical letters and more. During this he fell in love and married Elizabeth Schuyler the daughter of Philip Schuyler. In 1781 Hamilton lead the battle in Yorktown which lead to the victory of the Revolutionary …show more content…
There were copies of the documents Hamilton had given to the Monroe commission in 1792. Hamilton confronted Monroe over the leak of the confidential documents. Monroe denied having anything to do with it. Hamilton came close to calling Monroe a liar, Monroe responded that Hamilton was a scoundrel and challenged him to a duel. Though the duel was avoided by the intervention of none other than Aaron Burr.

In July 1798 Hamilton was made an Major General when a war threatened to break out between the United States and the French. His fight with Adams heated up when he published an attack on Adams presidency in 1800. Aaron Burr and Thomas Jefferson tied, so Hamilton cast his influence to Jefferson which was dumbfounding seeing as that Hamilton disliked Jefferson more the he did Adams. Four years leader he helped defeat the Burr campaign when Burr tried to become the governor of New