Document 5 the author relates to the moral motives of the process of trade. It shows the sense of the church disagreeing with the issue that “markets” are “morally worse” than fairs. The cleric provides a religious response to the process of trade. For this document, it would need people that are within the market showing their ideas on this culture of trade. In Document 2, it emphasizes the times that attracted the interest of Europeans in the New World, with precious metals and slave trading standing out in particular. The author is an outside visiting and describing a foreign culture and its relationship to his own. It seems to be on which items might be of use to Europeans rather than any value judgments. “Gold and silver wares” are a primary interest. To support this, we would need a document from an insider and its records with other civilizations. Lastly, document 9 the author shows a positive description of Chinese market system and interdependence. The author is attempting to understand the nature of foreign interactions rather than trying to change the people from the other cultures. This document needs minister that may be impressed or discouraged by their cultural patterns in