Ap World History Dbq Research Paper

Words: 1079
Pages: 5

The 19th and early 20th century was a time of rapid population growth, new access to raw materials, urbanization, and new technology. Society had two major social classes, the upper class who were known as the bourgeoisie, and the lower class who were known as the proletariats. The bourgeoisie were often referred to as the “oppressors,” as they were very wealthy and oppressed the working class. This led to a social divide. Contributing to more division was the emergence of new government ideologies: socialism, capitalism, and communism. Now that there was a social and political divide, an economic divide sprouted as well. Industrialization was notorious for treating workers poorly, by having them work in unsanitary conditions, and underpaying …show more content…
As equality and civil rights became increasingly popular due to the Enlightenment, people began to look down upon slavery, therefore leading to its abolishment. William Cowper’s poem explains that while Great Britain abolished slavery, slavery was still a problem all around the world. Doc 3:. Even while different countries started their abolishment of slavery, the repercussions lasted for many years to come. To elaborate, African Americans still did not have the same rights as white men. Former slaves continued to live in poverty due to most countries not allowing slaves to own land, which resulted in them working for low wages. When slaves refused to work on plantations, a labor shortage was created. This led to indentured servants from all over the world, such as India, China, and Japan, coming to America to provide this needed labor. The treatment of an indentured servant was just as brutal as the treatment of a slave, for they had to work numerous years of hard labor in order to receive, or buy, their freedom. Adding on, racial segregation worsened as well. Laws were passed to prevent African Americans from voting, such as the Jim Crow Laws, which implemented segregation into everyday