Paragraph 2: I have a dream that one day this nation will rid themselves of the ideals of apparent just, and right “constitutional laws” that allow people to hold guns at the little age of 16. To make it even easier for teenagers to buy guns, 40% of all guns bought were in a “no questions asked” situation, meaning that despite court laws, teens over 16 have a 40% chance to buy a gun without being asked if they had permission from their guardian. To add onto that, a portion of those guns …show more content…
Paragraph 6: I have a dream that in todays society people aren’t misjudged for their actions to buy a gun, they aren’t misjudged for their open carry, for that at the young age of 16, they couldn’t buy their gun in the first place, and thawt the intoxicating power of the gun itself doesn’t lead them into, as said before, the constant circulation of honestly; fear and anger. My point is to abolish these emotions, and with the aid of Brady Laws, we just might be able to.
Paragraph 7: This is my hope and faith. With this faith we will be able to practically eradicate crime, having that 80% of it violent crimes are done with weapons, mainly guns and rifles. We could stop the death rate of children and teenagers, having been the majority of deaths by guns. We could along with that, set an example for the goverment, on the other laws and freedoms that Congressmen hold to their hearts, as we do. . A immature choice with a gun is but a misrepresentation of a mistake; they never should’ve picked up the gun in the first