Arguments Against Gun Control

Words: 502
Pages: 3

Imagine this ; you're walking down the streets and a person comes out of an alleyway and tries to mug you . This is something that happens and sometimes you can’t fight back so this is where a gun could be helped to defend yourself, and with gun control you wouldn't have that chance so you would be hurt robbed or worse. Let's assume, however, that the carry provisions we are talking about are fair in their access to every citizen. The first question that must be answered is, "Why does the government think it has the right to tell a law-abiding citizen how they may go about protecting themselves?" Some may feel that the best way to defend yourself is by letting the criminals know that you are not an easy target. Most criminals look for the easiest and quickest route to their goal. There is nothing that will slow a criminal down faster than seeing a loaded gun at the ready.(1) Ok a gun isn't deadly without a person for example :try to shoot a staple at a wall without touching the stapler,you cant thats because it takes a person to kill someone not the gun itself. …show more content…
It takes little recognition to verify that most criminals want to conceal their intentions and their desires. An argument has been made that openly carrying firearms gives criminals the same ability. The reality is that criminals, even those who are not committing crimes, do not want to do anything that draws attention to them. However, because of the negative connotations associated with firearms, born mainly of unjustified fear of the unknown, law-abiding citizens feel it necessary to conceal so that others feel more comfortable around them. Ideally it would be great to see a situation where an openly carried firearm would not associate one with fear but rather with personal