Arguments Against Gun Control

Words: 1533
Pages: 7

There are many factors, politicians need to look at, when deciding what is right for our country. When it comes to gun control, there are mixed feelings everywhere. I’m not going to lie, before doing too much research on this, I am completely against gun control. I love guns, not quite the gun nut that I hope to know when the zombie outbreak happens, but I love guns. I love to shoot them, love to collect them and I feel they are great for protection. I guess we will see if my mind changes much, further along in my research. As of right now, I do not wish to see any gun control for law abiding citizens, but as someone like my brother who has been shot by a retired police officer and we might have a difference in opinion. With so many opinions out there, people living in the same household, from town to town, state to state, …show more content…
It has been awhile since I purchased a gun of any sort, but the last time I did, there was a background check. I had to fill paper work out, and they ran my driver’s license, through their data base, to check that I was not a felon, or deemed unable to purchase a gun. What more do they think they need to add to the current Gun Control Act to make it tougher on criminals getting guns? Have you ever heard the argument “only criminals will own guns”? If a man like the one pictured came up to you, and demanded your money or your keys, you could go along with what he tells you, and hope he doesn’t hurt you. However, what if he asks for your kid, or tells you to turn around and take your clothes off and you don’t have a gun to protect yourself? More gun control, means gun prices go up, if gun prices go up, it’s harder for a non-criminal’s to afford guns or even the ammo, more gun control deters people from buying guns. So who will have the guns then? Who will be protected and who will feel