One reason guns need more control is there in lots of gun violence problems going around.”Guns are responsible for roughly 30,000 deaths a year in America; more than half of those deaths are suicides. In 2010, 606 people, 62 of them children younger than 15, died in accidental shootings” (Goldberg).This shows how many people die from gun violence. even if it an accident it still violante. “Some individuals with certain types of mental illness are driven to hurt people. And …show more content…
The article shows what people with guns are capable of. The little restrictions on guns allow things like mass shootings to happen constantly.“At Virginia Tech, the gunman killed 30 students and faculty members in the 10 minutes it took the police to arrive and penetrate the building he had blockaded.) And yet, these schools will not allow adults with state-issued concealed-carry permits to bring their weapons onto campus, as they would be able to almost anywhere else.”(Goldberg). Events like this are becoming too common in the US. Each year, thousands of people are killed in gun related accidents and shootings.To conclude, more restrictions would help prevent the death toll from rising even higher than it already