Arguments Against Torture

Words: 708
Pages: 3

Many people want to get rid of terrorism by any means necessary. Terrorism has quickly became a worldwide, everyday thing in many countries, including the United States. Government types of people believe that we should torture these terrorists. By torturing these people it could start even more terrorist acts and at the same time can end them. I do not believe we should torture these terrorists and I have many articles and authors to support my claim.
Torture is not an acceptable way to end terrorism. This is because I have many official authors articles that have been backed up by government officials. One of my authors-Stuart Taylor Jr- has been a reporter for The New York Times, The Baltimore Sun, and worked for the Supreme Court. He recently wrote an article called The Perils of Torturing a Suspected Terrorist. This article was published by the National Journal Group, and in this article Taylor says, ¨No matter what, torture is illegal in both federal and international law.¨(par.11). My quote is important
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In Cathy Youngs article called The Torturing Logic she tells what leaders should do about this killing done by terrorists. Young says, ¨Our leaders must take this burden of conscience in order to save lives. He outlined two exceptions: the ¨ticking time bomb¨ scenario and the high-value, high level terrorist who posses a treasure trove of information about the terror network and the plots.¨(par. 8). This example proves that even though the terrorists and the torturers would have a bad memory of this time, they would save the lives of innocent people everyday. Although this may seem like a good idea it could actually kill more people. Young also said, ¨The captive will tell the torturers a fake-story already planned out while waiting on the other terrorists to come with a bomb and kill them.¨(par. 8). Given, this information supports that we should not torture these