Biology 101 Essay

Submitted By THECraig09
Words: 900
Pages: 4

Cell Theory 1. Cell is the fundamental unit of life 2. Organisms are composed of cells. 3. Cells arise only from pre-existing cells

Cells -> Tissues -> Organs -> Organisms

Plasma Membrane
Primary Cell Wall
Secondary Cell Wall
Central Vacoule

Primary Cell Wall –All Plants have-Composed of Cellulose
Cellulose-Polymer of Glucose
Micro fibril-Threadlike
Space between- Free Spaces
Secondary Cell Wall- Not all Plants have

Chemical Energy
C6H12O6+6O2 6C2+6H2O+38 Glucose ATP

Both types of Cell Walls Function 1. Physical Containment 2. Support
Primary Cell Wall supports with Turgoir-Turgur (H20 Pressure)
Plasma Membrane (Cell Membrane) 1. Physical Containment of the living portion of that cell 2. Controls what gets into and out of Cytoplasm
Composed of- 1. Lipids 2. Proteins
Tonoplast- Membrane that delimit the vacuole. Delimit-The end reaching of the cell.
Central Vacuole- Function is storage of substance (90% of the cell)
Protoplasm- the living material between and including the plasma membrane and the Tonoplast.
Nucleus - Forms Physical Containment of the nucleus Chromatin Other Names- Nuclear Envelope- Double Membrane
Chromatin- Chromosomes in a thin threadlike form.

Chromosomes Color Body

Nucleolus- Dark string body inside the Nucleus. Functions- RNA synthesis & Storage
Cytoplasm- Living material between and including the plasma membrane and tonoplast but not nucleus.
ER- Endoplasmic Reticulum- Extensive Membrane continuous with the other membrane of the nuclear envelope. Functions- 1. Lipid (fat, oil) synthesis. 2. Surface area for chemical reaction.
Ribosomes- Site of protein synthesis composed of rRNA ribosomes
Rough ER- With Ribosomes
Smooth ER- Without Ribosomes


Cristae-Site of cellular Respiration
Chloroplast- Site of Photosynthesis

Stroma Thylakoid- Expanded Membrane Stroma Lamellae-Unexpanded Membrane Chlorophyll a & b- green (absorb light energy)

Carotene- Orange
Kanthophylls- Yellow
Granum-Stack of Thylakoids

Photosynthesis- Light Production
6CO2+6H2O light C6H12O6+6O2
Carbon Water Glucose Oxygen
Dioxide (Sugar)

Golgi Bodies
Golgi apparatus
Vesicle Substance to be secreted from the cell
Cell Wall synthesis in dividing plant cells cellulose.
Vesticles- Single Unit membrane bound structure. 1. Lysosomes- Suicide bags- contain hydrolytic enzymes 2. Peroxisomes- Breakdown H2O2 (Hydrogen Peroxide) or other peroxides
Cytockeleton- Consists of three types of fibers or filaments. 1. Microtubles- 25 nm thick (nonometers) 2. Intermediate Filaments- 8-10nm thick 3. Microfilaments- 7nm thick
Function-Holding cellular organelles together and the movement of organelles
Organelle- Small organ
Plant vs. Animal Cells 1. Cell Wall (Plant) 2. Central Vacuole (Plant) 3. Chloroplast (Plant) 4. Centrioles (Animal)
Eukaryorotic Cells- Cells with a nucleus
Prokararyotic Cells- Bacteria 1. No Nucleus, but have Chromosomes 2. No Organelles- Mitochondria, Chloroplast 3. Have Ribosomes- Smaller than Eukarote 4. Have Cell Wall 5. Photosythetic membranes 6. Flagella and/or phili mobie
Cell Junctions Plasmamembrane Plasmodesmata

Pits- Areas where secondary cell wall does not form

Secondary Cell Wall Cell Wall 2 Middle Lamella Celcium Petate
Animal Cell- 1. Tight Junctions- Cell Membranes are knitted together with protein-formic continuous seal that prevents leaking 2. Anchoring Junction- Function like rivets fastening cells together. 3. Gap Junction- With channels that allow molecules to flow through protein lined pores ex.heart muscles.
Lipid- Consists of Glycerol and Fatty Acid. Glycerol esterfied.