Some adamantly believe schools are doing the best they can with the limited resources. Students do have the Fourth Amendment right to be free of unreasonable searches; however, because of the need of school safety the school have to maintain a balance between the students right of privacy and the need of school safety. The court did grant the right for school to conduct student searches; unfortunately,that is no way to depict what constitutes a legal search because what may be legal in one jurisdiction may not be legal in an other. Therefore, the court set standards for students searches called reasonable suspicion; two conditions need to be present for reasonable suspicion. There needs to be reasonable belief that the student is violating the law or school rules, and reasonable doubt that is justified by the circumstances that are closely knitted to the objectives of the search, but does not encroach upon the student's age, sex, and reason of the search("Membership." ). Lastly, the questionable behavior of students being bullied by teachers. There are multiple reason why some teachers turn to bullying. For instance, young, new teachers may lack the experience in handling a classroom full of students at once. In some cases a child’s behavior may triggers past memories of the teacher which causes the teacher to lash out. While others do not have compassion and feel it is their obligation to reprimand by any mean necessary("Bullied By A