Body Cameras Research Paper

Words: 970
Pages: 4

Brett Chapman states, “Body-worn cameras have been viewed as one way to address these challenges and improve law enforcement practice more generally”. Even in low light or even in complete darkness, the device can record high-quality videos (Kissiah 2). Footage can lead to a faster resolution of lawsuits that accuse officers of using excessive force against them and other things like that (Chapman 2). Body cameras can address challenges in law enforcement to help practice. Providing real-time information about what is happening, by having the cameras put on the officers’ glasses or their chests (Chapman 1). When evaluated, it was determined that they should expand the use of the technology because they found it to be efficacious (“Research.” …show more content…
The footage can be used as proof in court proceedings, which can help speed up pre-trial plea bargains as well as conviction rates (Kissiah 2). Helps by documenting the various types of crimes that happen (Chapman 2). The cameras monitor the footage because knowing what the officer is doing is important because of their high level of immunity (Ferrazares 2). Having a high level of immunity gives you a lot of power. Videos from the cameras confirm what happened during the encounter. Private Investigator and Investigation Resources state, “Using the cam while on duty provides hard video evidence of decisions made by officers in high-intensity situations” (Kissiah 2). The National Institute of Justice also found evidence that body cameras can provide reliable documentation to support the nature of events that happen between officers and citizens (Chapman 2). Evidence can not be made up. Evidence will be recorded as proof to make things more reliable. Improving accountability, lowering police misconduct, and recording evidence is what body cameras can do if officers wear them. Body cameras can help enhance officers' liability. This helps with proving whether an officer is right or