Body Cameras Research Paper

Words: 971
Pages: 4

Body cameras have been a major debate in the law enforcement field. Where some believe it is a good thing for police officers to wear a body camera, some believe the opposite. Should police officers wear body cameras? I think it is a yes! Police officers without body cameras can be a danger to society or can also be a victim to society.

Body cameras are a very important gadget, they can affect how someone acts and talks. With body cameras there, it is less likely for police officers to misconduct or abuse their power. A society where police officers do not wear body cameras would be corrupt, where every incident would be swept under the rug. This would negatively affect the civilians, especially the African Americans, In the year 2014, a black male, Michael Brown, was killed by a
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This study was called ‘The impact of on-officer video cameras (OVC) on police-citizen contacts’. the results indicated ‘’that officers assigned to wear a camera were less likely to perform stop-and-frisks and make arrests, but were more likely to give citations and initiate encounters. Officers were also more likely to report OVCs as being helpful if they wore a camera and in situations where they issued a warning or citation, performed a stop-and-frisk, and made an arrest.” (Ready, J. T., & Young, J. T. N. (2015)). It was also discovered that the officers were more likely to use a less lethal option such as tasers when wearing body cameras. Body cameras are benefiting both the officers and the civilians it gives them both a sense of safety, the civilian knowing the officer has a body cam ensures them that the officer most likely will try not to misconduct, on the officer side since he is wearing a body cameras the civilian is less likely to do anything rash as it could be evidence used against him in court, it is like a win-win