This is actually the only thing Casey was convicted for. As previously stated, she received four 1-year misdemeanor charges for lying to police. “A day after Caylee was reported missing in July 2008, Anthony was interviewed by police and told them several lies. She lied about working at the Universal Studios theme park, about leaving her daughter with a non-existent nanny named Zanny, about leaving the girl with friends and about receiving a phone call from her.” (PoliceOne) An argument against Casey's guilt would be “All evidence is purely circumstantial and pointless conjecture from the defense. She could have been framed.” This is a very weak argument, given all the DNA tests showing human decay in Casey's trunk. Another reason would be Casey's multiple lies to the police. They were not out of panic, but rather to avert attention from the police on her. There were also online searches for “chloroform” and “foolproof suffocation” what other means would Casey have for such