This experience has positively impacted me and helped me become a better teacher, as I understand what it’s like from the other side. This will allow me to better connect with my peers and foster that positive environment that makes this activity so special. Another skill I have gained from being a section leader in the chorus is my musicality. I can help count on the guard if we don’t have music to rehearse with, or if we’re not rehearsing with the band. If we are rehearsing with music, I can help keep the guard in step and on count with the music. Something that could potentially hinder my performance in leadership is the fact that I joined late. Since I missed a year, I might be behind on some skills and techniques. However, I am willing to and have worked outside our allotted practice time on guard work on the show, marching, and general technique. This drive to be the best performer and person I can be has assisted me in catching up. I also try to go to every practice opportunity outside of the marching band season, especially if I can practice with other people so we can work on skills together. Another potential shortcoming could be how I seem “too nice” to be a