Common Good Research Paper

Words: 459
Pages: 2

The common good is not something I have thought about prior to this course, although acting in the common good is evident throughout the bible. For example, the bible states in Micah 6:8, “He has shown you, O mortal, what is good. And what does the Lord require of you? To act justly and to love mercy and to walk humble with God.” This verse explains to us that we should be just in our actions and show love to others. This kind of action is not seen in the world today. There is a lot of hate and injustice. But, in order to make a difference, we need to take action. The common good is the certain general conditions that are equally to everyone’s advantage such as accessible and affordable healthcare and a just legal and political system. Although …show more content…
This is not a just legal system. But, according to Loeb, it takes more than just one action to make a difference towards the common good. For example, Rosa Parks did not make a difference just by saying no to moving on a bus. There were many actions that happened to precipitate her pivotal effort. Loeb expresses that by elevating Rosa Parks to superhero status by only recognizing her for her one stand we “assume that change is instantaneous, as opposed to a series of incremental and often invisible actions that gradually – and taken together – gather momentum and influence events.” In current events, we see so much injustice. If we all could come together for the common good and get involved, it would be much easier to make a difference. Just like the “What is the Common Good? Marquette University” video explained, if we more from an “I” to “we” point of view, it would make it easier for everyone to reach their full potential. If people were to be exposed to this common good point of view, it would be easier for them to live their lives with this mindset. For example, in my service experience, it was repeated over and over that the kids should treat others how they want to be