Common Good Research Paper

Words: 688
Pages: 3

The Common Good is described as everyone equally working together for our own advantage. Common good can be obtained many of ways from picking up trash to those who work in a sewage plant. Its not impossible to achieve the common good, but its going to take time before we do. This a group effort that requires everyone to put forth work. The problem is that we do but for our own sake and not for the sake of others. Even if someone does donate food to a homeless shelter but with the wrong mindset the common good will not be fulfilled. The common good is not something that is individualistic, because one person cannot do it all. Public safety, education, and etc.cannot lie in the hands of one person because no one will ever experience common …show more content…
The common good is supposed to be the perfect society. No one knows what the common good would look like because we have had yet to experience it. However, while respecting and valuing the freedom of other individuals to pursue their own goals, to recognize and further those goals we share in common.
The common good seems like this will not happen until the apocalypse. It is hard enough trying have someone put forth work in a group college project, outside of that how could they possibly help towards the common good? Getting everyone to chip into one goal where rights might be taken wawy is difficult. Benefiting someone in need is one thing, and giving up some of our freedom is another. Having never faced a situation like this, what would happen if we had to give up some of our freedom. It could depend on the extreme of giving up our freedom. It's not impossible but it is an adjustment and it is going to take everything imaginable to fulfill the common good across the globe. Honestly, in order for