Task 4: Read the text below, then discuss with your friends the following questions!
The human body is actually a living machine and is like all other machines. This living machine needs fuel to supply it with energy. The fuel is provided by the food we eat. However, do we know how much we need to stay healthy? The energy value of food is usually measured in calories. A calorie is the amount of heat which is required to raise the temperature of 1 kg of water by 1 degree C. The number of calories which people need per day varies. It depends on the activity …show more content…
What is the text about? Answer: :.............................................................................................................. Have you ever done any research on the human body? Answer:...................................................................................................... How many calories does the human body need to stay healthy? Explain the sandbox of your life! Answer:............................................................................................................... How much energy does food provide? Mention the adage - adage! Answer:....................................................................................................... “Fuel is provided by the food we eat”. What does that sentence mean?