She asked if he tried to hide his relationship with a man. Andrew said No and that he did not think his personal life outside of the firm had anything to do with his work. He said he always thought people live personal life at home. I agree that he should not have had to tell everyone he was homosexual. She questioned him if he tried hiding his illness. I do not think he tried to hide it I just think he tried to live with it. Another lawyer asked him about lesions on his face. Joe Miller asked Andrew to remove his shirt to show him the lesions on his chest. Mary told the judge it would be unfair and influence the jury. He asked the judge if Andrew needed a wheelchair due to illness if it would influence the jury. Would he park the wheel chair outside? I liked that part in the movie Joe was standing up for Andrew. I think he mad e a good point in the courtroom. He said, “We are talking about aids let us see some lesions”. The judge allowed him to remove his shirt. The whole courtroom seemed silent. I think deep down they did care about him. I was glad to see that Mary silently said she did hate the case. It looked like she felt bad too. When he collapsed in the courtroom, I was not sure if the whole room of people felt bad for him or that they wanted to win. It looked as though Charles Wheeler may have been angry.
I agreed was glad and happy with the verdict of the juror’s. He won back pay, a substantial amount