Cyp 3.3 1.2

Words: 1344
Pages: 6

1.1 Identify the current legislation, guidelines, policies and procedures for safeguarding the welfare of children and young people including esafety.
-legislations include ‘’the children act 1989’’ this tells people how they should work as a team when someone suspects child abuse is happening as well as what their ‘duties’ are. ‘’working together to safeguard our children 1999’’ this tells practitioners the basic guidelines of working with children who are for whatever reason at risk of any harm. ‘’Children act 2004’’ the reason for this act is because of the death of victoria climbie in 2003 because her death happened ‘’at the hands of her carers’’. ‘’Working together to safeguard children 2006’’ this is to update safeguarding and help to ‘’promote the welfare of children’’. ‘’the vetting and barring scheme’’ this must be checked using the barring scheme to make sure that they have no offences that means they cannot work with children. esafety is all about making sure that children are safe online, this includes blocking unsuitable pages, making sure that children are aware of the risks and dangers, educating parents about the dangers, helping children to feel more confident dealing with situations that they are no happy with and making sure they don’t spend an excessive amount of time on the computer. Every setting that works with
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This could be if they had a temperature and it continues to rise very quickly to a very high temperature, if they are complaining of a really bad headache, if the child is persistently crying in an unusual way, if they are out of breath, if they suddenly become very pale and look as if they are lifeless, if a rash appears that does not disappear when a glass is pressed on it, constantly vomiting or constant diarrhoea. If it becomes necessary it is important to call 999 before the childs carer arrives in