Cyp 3.3 1.2

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Pages: 3

1.1 Legislation, guidance policies and procedures relation to health, safety and security in an early years setting.
Generally legislation is any law made and enacted by a government of a certain state. In terms of events , legislation defines the governing legal principles and outlines the responsibilities of organisers and stakeholders. The code of practice is document that provides the real guidance on how to comply with the law enacted by the government. It includes explanations and recommendations for best practice or references to safety and healthy laws.
The Current Legislation and Guidance
The current legislation and guidance in relation to health, safety and security involves the creation of an organised efforts and procedures that
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In this circumstances, parents and guardians have the legal obligation to avoid injury or exposure leading to unhealthy lifestyle of the children. In a company’s situation is the obligation to protect the employee’s healthy and safety risks. Therefore, in this case employers have the responsibility to ensure the health, safety and security of their employees.
Early Years Foundation Stage (EYFS)
This legislation sets standards for the learning, development and care of children with a maximum of five years. EYFS framework supports a combined approach to early learning and care. It gives teachers principles and commitments to give quality early education and childcare experiences to children.
The United Nations Conventions on the Rights Of Children
UNCRC is a human rights agreement which outlines the political, economic, social, health and cultural rights of children. The convention has 54 articles that bind all aspects of a child’s life. UNCRC explains how adults and governments and parents must work together to make sure children enjoy their rights. Examples of this rights include;
• Article 19- the right to be safe from