The goal is to ensure investment in infrastructure and innovation and through which achieve industrial sustainability by 2030.[4]
GOAL 10: REDUCED INEQUALITIES, to reduce the rising inequalities in every levels of life, to ensure economic inclusion for all level of people by 2030.[17]
GOAL 11: SUSTAINABLE CITIES AND COMMUNITIES, to ensure the sustainable cities and communication system for the people by 2030.[5]
GOAL 12: RESPONSIBLE CONSUMPTION AND PRODUCTION, to ensure the sustainable production and consumption in every level by 2030.[18]
GOAL 13: CLIMATE ACTION, to fight climate change, global warming and help the vulnerable regions through effective disaster …show more content…
Without transforming the we are currently building and managing the urban space it is not possible to achieve sustainable development. Due to the massive urbanization in developing world along with the rural to urban migration, the number of mega cities are increasing rapidly. There were only 10 mega-cities with 10 million inhabitants in 1990. But this number have become 28 in 2014. Due to the rapid population growth and high concentration of extreme poverty the government struggle to provide accommodation for those people at those areas. To develop a sustainable and safe city it is necessary to provide safe and affordable housing along public transport for the inhabitance of the city.[5]Due to the increase of population, road accident is currently emerging as an epidemic in the developing world. According to the World Health Organization (WHO) traffic injuries are the eighth leading cause of global deathandone of the main cause of death for young people within