Country Rank overall: 77
Value overall: 0.745
Country Rank and Value of Countries Above and Below Jordan Rank: 77 Value: 0.745 & Brazil Rank: 79
Value: 0.744
Life expectancy Rank: 74.1
Literacy Rank: 63 out of 194 with a literacy rate of 98%
GDP Per Capita Rank: 10,800 HPI1 (Human Poverty Index)
Rank Overall7
Value 3.1
Value and rank of Montenegro rank 8value3.1
Value and rank of uruguayrank6value3
Survival Rank: 65
Literacy Rank: 58, only 2.1 percent of the country is illiterate
Water Rank: NA
UnderWeight child rank: 112 GDI (gender index development index)
Rank Unrecognizable
Value Unrecognizable Value0.842 Rank130 =jordan
Value unrecognizable Rank unrecognizable=brazil(below) LIfe expect woman 76.9 man 71.3
LIteracy Rank: 58
Primary 114 GER(gross enrollment rank)
Secondary 92 GER
Tertiary 52 GER By looking at all the numbers listed above for Serbia, these numbers compare to the united states in many ways. Serbia’s HDI compared to all the countries in the world is ranked 77, while the US is ranked 5th. The us has a higher Life expectancy, mean years of schooling and Gender inequality index. Which are all very important factors in a high HDI. The US has a overall value of 0.914, while Serbia has a overall value of
0.745, based on those numbers it’s clear the US is more developed than Serbia. The us is almost at the highest HDI possible (1), while