Describe the Anatomical location of the Pancreas relative to the other organs in the upper portion of the abdominal cavity. The pancreas is an “elongated, tapered” organ that sits behind the stomach, across the back of the abdomen. The widest part of the pancreas is called the head and lies in the curve of the duodenum (1st section of s. intestine). The body of the pancreas extends slightly upward, and the tail of the pancreas ends near the spleen.
(n.d.). Retrieved from
Describe the functional anatomy of the duct system that conveys bile from the …show more content…
As the enzymes within the pancreas build up, pressure increases within the duct causing it to rupture and release the enzymes which begin digesting the pancreas.
Christensen, B., & Kockrow, E. (2011). Adult health nursing . (6th ed., p. 253). St. Louis, MO: MOSBY Elsevier.
List the common causes of Pancreatitis. As stated above Alcoholism and and biliary tract disease are the most common causes of pancreatitis. Other possible causes include trauma, high levels of calcium or fat in the blood, infectious disease, or certain drugs.
List the symptoms, signs, and laboratory findings associated with pancreatitis, and state which of these George presents. Manifestations of appendicitis include abdominal pain that radiates around to the back, that can be relieved by leaning forward from a sitting position or lying in the fetal position, pain can worsen when eating. Swollen or tender abdomen, nausea, vomiting, fever, increased heart rate, weight loss, jaundice (if bile duct is obstructed). Lab tests used to diagnose pancreatitis would be serum amylase and serum lipase to measure the enzymes in your blood. Increased levels of both would be indicative of pancreatitis. Other blood tests that could indicate pancreatitis would be increased WBC count, liver function tests and increased liver enzymes can indicate