Diversity In Higher Education

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Franklin (2013) argued that the growing minority student presence and, overall diversity in higher education should be beneficial (p.32). Nowadays higher education plays an essential role in social mobility; and full incorporation of all social groups creates an impartial and just society. There is significant data that indicates the completion of a college degree is an important tool for economic and social mobility in the United States. In the United States over their work life, high school graduates earn an average of $1.2 million; Associate degree holders earn about $1.6 million; and bachelor's degree holders earn about $2.1 million (Jones, 2014, 1). Considering the importance of higher education in our society, admission and retention of minority students in our universities and colleges must be the subject of stern studies and discussions. Nonacademic
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S. (2013). The Roles of Population, Place, and Institution in Student Diversity in American Higher Education. Growth & Change, 44(1), 30-53.
Jones, W. A. (2014). Examining the relationship between student body racial diversity and college/university retention and graduation rates. Dissertation Abstracts International Section A, 75.
McClain, K., S. and Perry, A. (2017). Where Did They Go: Retention Rates for Students of Color at Predominantly White Institutions. College Student Affairs Leadership, 4(1).
Museus, S. s., & Ravello, J. N. (2010). Characteristics of Academic Advising That Contribute to Racial and Ethnic Minority Student Success at Predominantly White Institutions. NACADA Journal, 30(1), 47-58.
Roscoe, J. L. (2015). Advising African American and Latino Students. Research & Teaching In Developmental Education, 31(2), 48-60.
Thomas, S. s., Thompson, C., Pollio, H. R., Greenberg, K., Conwill, W., Sall, A., & ... Dias-Bowie, Y. (2007). Experiences of Struggling African American Students at a Predominantly White University. Research in The Schools, 14(2),