Dry Needling

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Peak Physical Therapy & Wellness Reports on Dry Needling for Pain Relief
Individuals find they receive one-on-one care and individualized therapy services at every visit. Evidence based medicine is always used to treat patients, PeakPTandWellness.com announces

(Denver, CO) While dry needling has been used in Europe for quite some time now, it is only over the past 30 years that this technique has become popular in the United States. This treatment involves the use of needles similar to those utilized in acupuncture, and the needles are inserted into trigger points, or the tight bands of tissue present in muscle, to help the body heal itself. This is only one of many techniques that may be used to treat a patient through
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The therapists provide detailed examinations and education as to why the patient is having pain and how to prevent it from returning. Evidence-based medicine is always used, including manipulative therapy, and the latest technology is employed. This is where dry needling comes into play, as it has been shown to provide quick and effective pain relief," Michael Biba, spokesperson for Peak Physical Therapy & Wellness, explains.
Individuals with stiff muscles often turn to dry needling for relief, and this technique has been shown to ease joint pain a person may be experiencing. Oxygen circulation within the body improves as does blood flow. Furthermore, this treatment is of great benefit to individuals who are trying to recover following an injury, those who wish to optimize their sports performance, and people who have an existing condition that they wish to treat before it becomes a long-term
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From the moment clients enter Peak Physical Therapy, they notice the difference from other clinics. The physical therapists don't treat problems, they treat patients. As one of the most respected physical therapy practices in the Denver Metro, Peak Physical Therapy is dedicated to working with clients to find new ways to improve their health, look better and enjoy the activities they love through their entire life. Peak Physical Therapy has been in business for over 23 years, and their success directly reflects the patient's lasting results. The team of friendly and knowledgeable therapists is committed to restoring and improving the skills that are of value to individuals in their daily life. They treat primarily orthopedic and spine injuries with many subspecialties and see a patient population from young elementary aged children to an older