Fahrenheit 451 Research Paper

Words: 466
Pages: 2

Imagine a world where your breakfast would be made and brought to you every morning by a robot. Bacon cooked to perfection, pancakes soft as a pillow, and eggs scrambled just the way you like it. Although that might seem unrealistic, the power of technology can play a significant role in making this idea come true. In the novel Fahrenheit 451 by Ray Bradbury, the advanced technology depicted in the novel included wall-sized televisions called “parlor walls,” seashell radios for entertainment, and the mechanical hound used to track and attack people suspected of reading or hiding books. There have been numerous advancements in technology, but is more technology always a good thing? What are the costs and benefits of technology? On the one hand, …show more content…
In the novel Fahrenheit 451, Faber gave Montag green bullets because he wanted to be able to hear and talk to Montag secretly. Faber suggests that “those who don’t build must burn.” In other words, this indicates that technology, when used wisely, can better our world. Technology is vital to society because it makes communication faster and easier, connects people from all over the world, and gives us access to a load of information. Browsing through social media all day long, many people find new friends and communities. Additionally, technology has also led to new scientific discoveries and innovations. Technology connects us with friends far away and entertains us with games, and it is also essential because it helps with schoolwork and teaches us new skills. However, technology can be extremely difficult to be distracted and obsessed with. In Fahrenheit 451, Mildred was obsessed with the “parlor walls” in their house and spent most of her day watching what came on. Annoyed by Mildred’s obsession with the parlor walls, Montag asked if she could “turn the parlor off.” Thus, it exemplifies how technology can consume our attention and prevent us from interacting with others. Technology consuming our energy can have negative effects on society. It can lead to increased sedentary behavior and a lack of physical activity. Additionally, people who use technology like phones, tablets, and laptops are