Fahrenheit 451 Research Paper

Words: 830
Pages: 4

I wanted my bookshelf to speak of my interests and hobbies. Less of my favorite books (that is a hard choice to make), and more of what I like about life. I felt like this would also be better for you to get to know more about me since it is the first project of the year.
The easiest thing to decide on was the rugby boot. I love playing sports and play rugby for the school. I started playing rugby in seventh grade but the reason that I think I like it so much is that I’ve had an advantage when playing it just being a bigger person. Now, Rugby takes up the majority of my free time since we have practice everyday. Since it is such a large part of my life, it had to go on the bookshelf.
I chose the Game of Thrones book because Game of Thrones
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I chose this because I love playing and watching football as well as support Chelsea. Every year I try to go to as many games as I can. In my opinion, you never feel like you are in England more then when you are at a football match. Although it may not be the most refined of experiences, it doesn’t get much more fun then chanting at the top of your lungs with a bunch of drunk English guys.
This summer I read Fahrenheit 451 by Ray Bradbury and We Should All Be Feminists by Chimamanda Ngozi Adiche. While both books had both positive and negative aspects, I don’t think either would go on my bookshelf.
I really like the concept behind Fahrenheit 451, the dystopian future where no one has any free thought and is constantly plugged into technology seems to be where we are heading anyway. The way the book depicts people as being so self obsessed and uncaring about event going on in the outside world is scarily close to what is happening today for a book written in 1953. However, the reason I would not put Fahrenheit 451 on my bookshelf is the way it is written. I found it very hard to read and follow at time as the amount of description was almost too much and too many metaphors were used that I couldn’t tell what was actually happening and what was just similes or