Fahrenheit 451 Research Paper

Words: 793
Pages: 4

Imagine living in a world with no goals, no communication, and the same schedule everyday. Wouldn't it get boring? It’s important in our world to communicate, adventure, and live life to the fullest in order to pursue a happy life. Though technology is really easy to get distracted by, it is important to make time for the things that are really important. Television, social media, online shopping are all things that can be addictive and there are way more. This is a problem in our society today, but in the book Fahrenheit 451 it shows the problem is a lot worse. Mindlessness is important in the novel Fahrenheit 451 because nobody seems to communicate with each other or have conversations with each other anymore. Instead, they are always watching television, listening to the radio, or in the parlor …show more content…
She spends so much time inside the parlor that she considers the people on the screen her “family”. In section 1 page 39 it says “ late in the night he looked over at Mildred. She was awake and awed. There was a tiny dance of melody in the air, her seashell was tamped in her ear again and she was listening to far people in far places, her eyes wide and staring at the fathoms of blackness above her in the ceiling.” Also, on page 46 Montag and Mildred had a conversation about the parlor walls, “Will you turn the parlor off?” he asked “That's my family” “Will you turn it off for a sick man?” “I’ll turn it down”. These quotes show how addicted Mildred is to her technology because in the first quote she would rather listen to the radio late at night rather than getting a good night's sleep. In the second quote, it shows that she cares more about her fake virtual family than her own husband. Montag wants to do something about mindlessly searching for entertainment and why reading is a crime. Mildred had her friends over to their house and they were watching the parlor