Fahrenheit 451 Research Paper

Words: 169
Pages: 1

Mason Heathington Burton HWL; P5 5 March 2024.

Bradbury’s Fahrenheit 451 portrays a dystopian society where books are banned and people are brainwashed into relying solely on what technology provides. In this world we see a stark contrast between the firefighters and the firefighters of our world, one of these is Guy Montag. Although it is the only thing that he knows, he questions his role in society as a fireman. As Montag navigates through his search for his place in society, he moves farther away from what he used to know and begins to discover the value in books and the freedom of a world without technology. As he begins to realize the world needs to go back to the way it once was, he sparks a rebellion. While Montag fulfills his duties