Family Therapy Research Paper

Words: 775
Pages: 4

Being a marriage and family therapist can be a very interesting job and can provide many unique opportunities; however, it is important to know what it means to be a marriage and family therapist. “Hold therapy sessions with the couple or family. During the session, determine the problem, find ways too solve the problem to help the couple or family”. ( “Diagnose and treat mental and emotional disorders within marriage and family systems. Apply theories and techniques for the purpose of treating clients”. (naviance). When being a marriage and family therapist, the main focus is to help couples and families solve their problems within their systems. As is says in the Occupational Outlook Handbook, “Help people manage …show more content…
As far as knowledge needed, the main requirements are therapy and counseling, psychology, and sociology and anthropology. Therapy and counseling involves “knowing principles, methods, and procedures for diagnosis, treatment, and rehabilitation of physical and mental dysfunctions, and for career counseling and guidance”. Psychology is “knowledge of human behavior and performance; individual differences in ability, personality, and interests; learning and motivation; psychological research methods; and the assessment and treatment of behavioral and affective disorders”. Sociology and anthropology is “Knowledge of group behavior and dynamic, societal trends and influences, human migrations, ethnicity, cultures and their history and origins”. ( A career as a marriage and family therapist usually requires a decent amount of college with certain classes included. When it comes to the skills or interests needed, the main skills are: active listening, social perceptiveness, judgement and decision making, speaking, service orientation, oral comprehension, problem sensitivity, speech sensitivity, oral expression, and written expression. It may seem like a lot, but all the hard work is worth it in the long run when it comes to being a marriage and family …show more content…
Occupational Outlook Handbook states that the average annual wage for marriage and family therapists is 48,040 dollars. It also states that the lowest ten percent of marriage and family therapists earn less than 30,510 dollars annually while the highest ten percent earn 66,930 dollars annually. According to the given information, even the lowest ten percent of marriage and family therapists earn a decent salary. When it comes to Pennsylvania, the average salary changes depending on the exact location. In Lancaster, the average annual salary is 64,440 dollars. In Philadelphia, the average is 48,300 dollars. In Pittsburgh the average is 48,580 dollars. And in York-Hanover, the average is 44,410 dollars. (naviance). The salary changes depending on the location no matter where in the world. Marriage and family therapists have a wide range of