1015 87th avenue
Oakland, Ca 94621
May 20th, 2015
Ms. Jessica NelsonLundy
50 Phelan ave
San Francisco, Ca 94112
Dear Ms. Nelson: Writing has not always been a strong suit of mine. Even in the present moment I sometimes struggle with writing. I have done a handful of writings this semester ranging from simple paragraphs to argumentative essays. I will admit that the older I grew I realized that writing helps in many ways. It can be a form of stress relieving, which I sometimes take into consideration when I have sort of a lot going on mentally. Many writing assignments were about what I liked to do, to current events that many people don’t speak on like the human trafficking in the United States.My attitude towards writing varies on the topic of conversation. If it catches my attention I am 10x more likely to deeply dive into it and manage a good report out of it. If it does not grasp me,then I still try to give it my full attention and do the best I can. Multiple assignments have geared me in the direction that I can write a good paper, and I should give writing more thought.Majority of the papers I have written, I would acknowledge them as valuable and profitable,because I know I can turn back to them and read what I wrote, to give me the encouragement to further myself. There are a few papers written that I thought were a complete waste and drain of my time, but looking back I see that they were put in place to challenge and help me for the good, rather than just writing to receive a grade.When it comes to writing I would like to point out my, what I consider to be my biggest flaw, I hate sitting for long periods of time staring at a computer screen or paper.. I am an individual that has a high metabolism that likes to be in motion. I used to tell my friends that I would go to sleep just to wake back up and find something to get into. Another flaw in writing I have is the ability to find focus, my mind is one that will wander off into space,or think about something that has absolutely nothing to do with the assignment. Adding to the flaw list I sometimes have trouble finding resources, and information to put into my works.Many a times I will find the same information, either worded differently, or summarized.
As writing assignments