Founding Fathers Research Paper

Words: 993
Pages: 4

Founding Fathers of the United States of America
Sixteen years from the beginning of the Revolutionary War, to adding the first 10 amendments to the Constitution is how long it took for the founding fathers to create a living breathing document that would make the people of the United States the freest people in the world. Courage's men who stood up in the face of tyranny and dared to be different; George Washington, Thomas Jefferson, Alexander Hamilton, John Adams, James Madison, James Monroe, and Benjamin Franklin were true patriots. Together they listened to the cries for LIBERTY from the American people and LIBERTY is what the founding fathers gave them. Each one of these men played a significant role in securing America’s future.
George Washington
U. S. President
Major General and Commander and Chief of the Colonial Armies
George Washington was the first President of the United States of America and served 2 terms. He was born in Westmoreland County, VA on February 22, 1732. In 1758 Washington married Martha Dandridge Curtis, who had 2 children from a previous
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George Washington resigned as Commander and Chief of the army and went home. Four years into his retirement, he was called upon again to serve his country. The war had taken a toll on the treasury and the states were fighting amongst themselves over land rights and taxes. The Articles of Confederation gave most of power to the states and little to congress and it was clear to Washington as well as other members of Congress that something needed to be done. After meeting with all the representatives they decided to write a new Constitution instead of trying to amend the Articles of Confederation. After many months of debate and revisions to the drafted Constitution, they had finally completed the new Constitution. Now all they needed was to get 9 of the 13 states to ratify the Constitution in order for it to go into